More and more assignments are coming up which means, MORE stress! :( Things haven't been going my way these few days and I'm glad that I always have a shoulder to turn to when I'm not in the best of moods. :>
Anyway, my weekends are really burnt. I have my Interior Design assignment to complete which is due on Monday. I've yet to complete even half of it(I think)! I'm not an art student and I S-U-C-K-E-D at drawings.
No doubt, I lose my patience easily when it comes to drawing & I don't even know how to interpret the plan/section view on the paper itself. Yes, it is that horrendous. I think w/o the help of Klinton(my IDS tutor, ha ha ha) for my first assignment, I would have been dead. ._. Really admire his patience! :O
I have a quiz to do tomorrow(online!) and there's a mini class test on Monday for Theory of Econs. Sucks much? Hmmmm.
Alright, enough of the down side. On a happier note, my group did well for the Roller Coaster assignment during IS class last Thursday! Although ours isn't the most creative roller coaster, we still managed to top the whole class! :O Gotten an A+(9.5/10!) Let me haolian a bit, he he he.
Pictures time! ;) Taken sometime last week during my stayover at the sisters' place! E came over and we photobooth-ed!
Enjoy! :D