BES Night Cycling 2010!
Had night cycling 1 or 2 weeks back over at East Coast Park. :)
Only 5 of my classmates(excluding me!) went. :/
Let the pictures do the talking. :D
Sibei swee lor!!!! Luv his hair!
Kj & Hweelee!
I can't stop laughing when I see this picture. LOL.
Hweelee, Daphne & I. :D
And again.
Kj & QC!
Angela & Soon Lai!
Threesomez. ♥
Angela! ♥♥♥
Prata for supper! :D
Group shot 1!
Group shot 2!
Cabbed back home tgt with ♥ & Cheryl after everything ended. Reached the sisters' place, showered & dry my hair and KO straight away. BUT. I only slept for like 5 hours and cousin Zh came into the room to disturb me and woke me up!!!!!! @#%^&*
Anyway, I feel better after spilling out all my thoughts to Kewu during our oh-so-long route back to East Coast Park! Hahaha. :)
P/S: Merry Merry Christmas to you peepozx out there!